Proctor High School CTE

High School CTE Students


CTE Pathways 

Utica CSD is implementing a systematic approach for career development starting with CTE career awareness and exploration with grades K-6.  The middle school will implement CTE modules for grades 7-8 that represent 16 national career clusters as a way to introduce students to the high school CTE pathways that were determined by local stakeholders. K-8 career development will vertically align to the high school options that are offered at Proctor High School. Early exposure to career readiness initiatives K-12 will prepare students with the skills and knowledge to make informed choices about their future as they prepare to enter the workforce and/or enter higher education. 

Current NYSED Approved Pathways 

  • Applications informatiques
  • Sipërmarrja/Menaxhimi
  • Financa
  • Kontabiliteti

New Pathways Starting Fall 2025